Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Thomas Lodge Rosalynde: Preface

SVch Romanes (right Honourable) as delighted in martiall exploytes, attempted their actions in the honour of Augustus, because he was a Patron of souldiers: and Virgil dignified him with his poems, as a Mœcenas of schollers; both ioyntly aduauncing his royaltie, as a Prince warlike and learned. Such as sacrifice to Pallas, present her with bayes as she is wise, and with armour as she is valiant, obseruing herein that excellent Greek phrase which dedicateth honours according to the perfection of the person. VVhen I entred (right honourable) with a deep insight into the consideration of these premisses, seeing your L. to be a Patron of all martiall men, and a Mœcenas of such as applie themselues to studie; wearing with Pallas both the launce and the bay, and ayming with Augustus at the fauour of all, by the honourable vertues of your minde: being my selfe first a Student, and after falling from bookes to armes, euen vowed in all my thoughts dutifully to affect your L. Hauing with Capt: Clarke made a voyage to the Ilands of Terceras & the Canaries, to beguile the time with labour, I writ this booke; rough, as hatcht in the stormes of the Ocean, and feathered in the surges of many perillous seas. But as it is the worke of a souldier and a scholler, I presumed to shrowde it vnder your Honors patronage, as one that is the fautor and fauourer of all vertuous actions; and whose honourable Loues growen from the generall applause of the whole Common wealth for your higher deserts, may keep it fro[m] the mallice of euery bitter tung. Other reasons more particular (right Honorable) chalenge in me a speciall affection to your L. as being a scholler with your two noble sonnes, Master Edmond Carew & M. Robert Carew, (two siens worthie of so honourable a tree, and a tree glorious in such honourable fruite) as also being scholler in the Vniuersitie vnder that learned and vertuous Knight Sir Edward Hobbie, when he was Batchelor in Arts, a ma[n] as well lettered as well borne, and after the Etymologie of his name soaring as high as the wings of knowledge can mount him, happie euerie way, & the more fortunate, as blessed in the honor of so vertuous a Ladie. Thus (right honourable) the duetie that I owe to the sonnes, chargeth me that all my affection be placed on the father; for where the braunches are so precious, the three of force must be most excellent. Commaunded and emboldened thus with the consideration of these forepassed reasons, to present my Booke to your Lordship; I humbly intreate, your Honour will vouch of my labours, and fauour a soldiers and a schollers pen with your gracious acceptance; who answeres in affection what he wants in eloquence; so deuoted to your Honour, as his onely desire is, to end his life vnder the fauour of so martiall and learned a Patron.
     Resting thus in hope of your Lordships courtesie, in deyning the Patronage of my worke, I cease: wishing you as many honourable fortunes as your Lordship can desire, or I imagine.
     Your Honours souldier
       humbly affectionate:

         Thomas Lodge.


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